1MM: Made Out of Babies @ Union Pool, 6.24.08

Photos by Andrew Parks

Sorry for the lateness of this photo set, but we wanted to leave some space between Made Out of Babies‘ record release show and Julie Christmas’ self-titled essay about the singers that inspire her caterwauling, wail-to-whisper vocal range. As you might imagine from the size of Union Pool’s “venue,” the show suffered from poor acoustics but was redeemed by the band’s ballsy new approach: a mix of grinding guitars, punchy percussion patterns, a wobbly low-end, and live loops that allow Christmas and guitarist Brendan Tobin to capture the expansive sound of their third full-length, The Ruiner. (This show was the quartet’s first attempt at bringing art-rock techniques to their mangled, metallic songs.)

Definitely check these guys out when they finally support The  Ruiner with a full tour …