King Dude

King Dude

While it’s nearly impossible to make sense of all the music that floods our mailbox, inbox, and various Web browsers every day–not to mention the shelves at self-titled‘s favorite record stores–we’re constantly looking for artists who make us stop what we’re doing and actually listen. Here’s one of them:  

The Artist/Album: King Dude, Burning Daylight (Dais, October 16th)

The Vibe: Let’s say Johnny Cash never saw the light, never dropped his speed freak tendencies for a god-fearing path. If he didn’t manage to overdose first, it’d be easy to imagine the Man in Black making lonesome highway music like King Dude’s latest LP. It’s over-the-top at times–this is the same Dude who’s responsible for the death-obsessed designs of Actual Pain, after all–but decidedly strange enough to warrant a few repeat spins in a row.

RIYL: Crimson-coated votive candles; inverted crosses; gun-packing guitar cases