1MM: Gang Gang Dance Rattle a Room of Confused Hedge Funders and Arty Cool Kids @ MoMA’s Armory Show Afterparty

Photos/Text by Andrew Parks [slideshow available here]

At this point, there is no hope for Gang Gang Dance. And by that, we mean the New York City quartet may never achieve  an album that’s as transcendent and tight as their live show. Songs here and there, yes, whether we’re talking the squirrely hooks of “House Jam” or an icy epic like “Egowar.” But not an entire LP–it’s alluded them for the past five years, and chances are it will continue to so long as they treat nearly every GGD track like an id-indulging art project.

Liz Bougatsos breaks out her best banshee wail.

You know what, though? We’re okay with that. As they proved at yet another museum appearance last night–we saw them at the Whitney Biennial just a year ago–Gang Gang Dance performances are percussive, celebratory affairs that graze everything from dub to demented pop on the way to creating a sound all their own. Maybe it’s because they stick to analog instruments and their instincts–stuffy art collectors and hedge funders be damned–but every GGD show we’ve ever seen has been strikingly different. That, and a blur. We’re still not sure what we witnessed at MoMA’s Armory Show afterparty, yet we’d happily line up to experience it again the next time they’re in town.

As for the odd mix of onlookers that seemed to actually enjoy–or pretend to enjoy–the band as well, they included the following (via Time Out NY, who let us tag along as their party photographer): “Piss Christ–er Andres Serrano, Justin Rockefeller, Andrew Andrew, Nick Denton, Glenn and Susan Lowry, Mario Cantone, Kim Cattrall, Tom Delavan, Lucy Lui, Patrick McMullan (of course), Justin Carter, Grizzly Bear’s Chris Taylor and Art Fag City’s Paddy Johnson.”

May we add that Grizzly Bear multi-instrumentalist Chris Taylor (this guy) was the only person who refused our prying camera. His response to our gentle request of a snapshot? “Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom.” Dissed! And right after we gushed about his BAM show, too. Lame. What do we look like, Last Night’s Party?

Brian Degraw keeps it analog.
Brian Degraw keeps it analog.

Justin Miller of DFA Records keeps things disco-y.
Justin Miller of DFA Records keeps things disco-y.
Oh, youre a party photographer? Well, yeah. Isnt everybody?
"Oh, you're a party photographer?" Well, yeah. Isn't everybody?

Ah, the elegantly wasted.
Ah, the elegantly wasted.

Anyone want to wager a guess as to how many glasses are in this photo?

Gang Gang Dances manager is in this photo. Can you spot him?
Gang Gang Dance's manager is in this photo. Can you spot him?