1MM: Jay Reatard Plays to His Strangest Crowd Yet, A Stuy Town Mix of Geriatrics, Screaming Teenagers and Newborn Babies

[Photos by Andrew Parks]

The last time we saw Jay Reatard perform, he killed a capacity crowd at our CMJ party. Said Glasslands gig was sufficiently scuzzy given the artists involved, so it was quite sobering to see Reatard and his one-two punch of a backing band (drummer Billy Hayes, bassist Stephen Pope) in broad daylight at the Stuy Town Oval concert series–surrounded by newborn babies and slightly disturbed senior citizens, no less.

To understand the only-in-NY scene before us, it might be best to reiterate Reatard’s last bit of stage banter: “Good news: This is our last song. Also, bad news: This is our last song. Pick a side.”

We’ll take the latter.

Jay Reatard plays the Music Hall of Williamsburg tomorrow. Find out more about his ‘blood visions’–like the time he shot and skinned a raccoon–here.